Bisdee Tier ground tracking station
Bisdee Tier ground tracking station
Last update: : In operations since January 2023

Bisdee Tier ground station
Lon: 147.28 deg, Lat: -42.43 deg, Alt: 646 m
Antenna aperture: 7.3 m
Range of motion
* Azimuth: -350~350 deg
* Elevation: 0~180 deg
* Tilt: -170~170 deg

Frequency range of operations:
S-band | Tx: | 2.02-2.12 GHz |
S-band | Rx: | 2.20-2.30 GHz |
X-band | Tx: | 7.25-7.75 GHz |
X-band | Rx: | 7.90-8.40 GHz |
Ku-band | Tx: | 12.25-12.75 GHz |
Ku-band | Rx: | 14.00-14.50 GHz |
Antenna Gain:
S-band Gain | (Tx/Rx): | 39.8/40.4 dB |
X-band Gain | (Tx/Rx): | 52.5/51.8 dB |
Ku-band Gain | (Tx/Rx): | 57.6/56.2 dB |
Estimated EIRP are 63.5 dBW at S-band and 82.6 dBW at X-band and a G/T of 21.1 dB/K.